"By dint of hard work for the country rendered in a spirit of selfless sevice may you march ahead with hope and courage as torch bearer of a peaceful revolution. Remember that in this dynamic world you must go forward or else you will be left behind."

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy

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Department of Mathematics

Since the inception of the college in 1961, the Department of Mathematics has continued its journey towards excellence. Primarily only Program courses were offered but soon after, the department also started the Honours course in Mathematics. Currently, the CBCS system of instruction is followed under the affiliation of Kazi Nazrul University. The department always thrives to impart quality education to all the students and all the five faculty members of the department is entirely dedicated to this end. Audio visual methodologies in smart classrooms are regularly employed to ease student understanding and enhance student satisfaction. The teachers have gained the utmost respect of the students in this regard for their devotion and commitment. The department also boosts of a fully organized and state of the art computer laboratory with enough computers and a fully renovated numerical laboratory. The department has also its own departmental library which assist the students in their education.
The student teacher relationship in the department is really attaching. Several programs and functions organized by the students under encouraging patronage from the teachers only add up to the affectionate bonding between them. Cocurricular activities like quiz competitions, seminars, cultural programs, debates form a part of the regular schedule.
At the end, it must be stated that the department believes in a linear but steady upliftment of its standards rather than an exponential but unsustainable growth and all the members tirelessly outperform themselves for this.

Image Faculty Name Designation Qualification Profile
Mr. Indubaran Mandal Assistant Professor M. Sc.
Dr. Santu Dey Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph. D
Dr. Amit Mondal Assistant Professor M. Sc., Ph. D
Dr. Naresh Chandra Pati Assistant Professor M.Sc., Ph.D.
Mr. Abhijit Konar SACT M. Sc., B. Ed.
Mr. Bhaskar Chatterjee SACT M. Sc., B. Ed.
Mr. Utpal Majee SACT M. Sc., B. Ed.